
This Is Digital

Time is Money (giffgaff)

We had four weeks to develop a futuristic and exciting brand app for giffgaff money (a peer-to-peer lending service) but with no clear target audience I developed my app towards millennials. With some research I found that one of the... Continue Reading →

Birmingham Women’s Hospital

Recently, we were asked to work with Birmingham Women's Hospital to help create instructive videos for some of the equipment used there. We worked with Ben from Fruit Tree Films to create these videos, which is always a really enjoyable... Continue Reading →

Being a Brand Strategist

When it comes to a specific job role if you’ve read my ‘Journey to Digital Marketing’ post you’ll know that deciding on a career choice is something that I’ve always struggled with. The only thing this time though is that instead... Continue Reading →

But first, let me take a selfie!

Who doesn't love a good selfie! Come on, we can all admit to snapping a couple of pics when were looking our best for a new profile picture. Inspired by this, I have decided to put together an infographic of... Continue Reading →

Doctor Who: A Nemesis Reborn

From the fans, for the fans, by the fans. We were given a brief from the BBC and RedBee Media to extend the beloved BBC sub-brand Doctor Who through a digital interactive comic book. There were four different episodes, with... Continue Reading →

How are Millennials consuming media?

After browsing Digital Doughnut I came across this really interesting infographic, created by the IPA, on how Millennials are now consuming social media. This is always an interesting topic and this infographic gives a really good insight as well as... Continue Reading →

Xtreme Drone Racing!

ARCADE. DRONE. ACTION Xtreme Drone Racing was the second big project that I worked on at university. It's a game developed by both undergraduates and postgraduates from Birmingham City University. I have to admit, when I first went into this... Continue Reading →

The Wonderful World of Bullet Journals

Not too long ago I was scrolling down my Facebook feed and stumbled upon a BuzzFeed article called ‘WTF is A Bullet Journal and Why should you start one? An Explainer’ and after skimming through I was sold, a changed... Continue Reading →

My Journey to Digital Marketing

There is so much pressure on young people these days to decide on what they want to do as a career early on. From the age of 13/14 kids are asked to choose their GCSE options, without even an idea... Continue Reading →

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